My stepdaughter Sofia
My stepdaughter Sofia
Mair, a family friend in Brazil
Mair, a family friend in Brazil
A Green Party Candidate in Pennsylvania early 2000's
A Green Party Candidate in Pennsylvania early 2000's
Me in 2011
Me in 2011
Greta in 2011
Greta in 2011
Pipoca my stepson Victor's beloved dog
Pipoca my stepson Victor's beloved dog
Joaci who headed the crew that built our first house in Brazil
Joaci who headed the crew that built our first house in Brazil
My grandson Isaiah
My grandson Isaiah
My grandson Luke
My grandson Luke
My mother in 1980's
My mother in 1980's
My niece Clare in 1980's
My niece Clare in 1980's
Ou good friend Joachim in Cocalzinho
Ou good friend Joachim in Cocalzinho
Me in 2020
Me in 2020
My friend Duncan at anti Vienam rally
My friend Duncan at anti Vienam rally
My cousin Guy in 1960's
My cousin Guy in 1960's
My mother in 1980's
My mother in 1980's
Our friend and all around homestead helper, Marli
Our friend and all around homestead helper, Marli
Marli's husband Ricardo who completed projects on our homestead
Marli's husband Ricardo who completed projects on our homestead
Hattie who I transported in a senior van
Hattie who I transported in a senior van
A friend who shared my apartment in the late 1970's
A friend who shared my apartment in the late 1970's

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